The cooling crystallizer

A new generation of efficient coolers. Perfectly equipped for constant crystal growth and maximum yield.

Scroll down and watch our product presentation.


Molasses, one of the by-products of a sugar factory, is the mother liquor from the centrifugation of C-product. Molasses from cane sugar factories contains approx. 35 % sugar, from refineries approx. 40 %.

Some of this sugar in the molasses can be extracted using the OVC. Very quick ROI due to different price levels (sugar –molasses).

While crystallisation in vacuum pans for A, B and C-product occurs because of water evaporation, crystallisation in the OVC is brought about by cooling down the massecuite from the C-product vacuum pan.

Massecuite contains crystals and mother liquor. During the cooling process, crystal size increases, while the number of crystals remains the same. The purity of the mother liquor drops with a decrease in temperature (less sugar in the molasses).


How does it work?

Range of sizes

tailor made for your production

multiple different sized ovc demonstrate the range of available sizes
4 cooling coils
8 cooling coils
14 cooling coils
up to 24 cooling coils

The benefits

That sums it up

Throughput of up to 40 t/h in one cooling crystallizer
Cooling surface of up to 1,400m2
Optimised desugarisation, no formation of fine crystals
For use in cane and beet sugar factories, refineries, and for non-sugar crystallization

Product distributor

How does it work?

BMA Logo

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and we'll send you
an OVC*

*at least all the information about it. It might be too big for your inbox.

Cooling Coils

What options do I have?

mild steel
stainless steel

Molasses massecuite mingler

How does it work?